Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Well, somebody forgot to tell the skies above that the month of April, and the showers we have grown to expect within it, has passed!  It is now the latter half of May, and the forecast for Thursday through Sunday here in southeast Michigan, is 4 straight days of the wet stuff!  Here is a fun, rainy day experience that can be used throughout the year to brighten any drizzly day.

Music Therapy Experience Name:
Spin The Umbrella

Materials Needed:
Child sized umbrella 
Board Maker 3 ½” x 4” cards  or blank Index cards / markers
Tape or Velcro

Chant or Lyric sung a cappella:
(Loosely based on the tune “Pop Goes the Weasel”)

Round and round the umbrella goes
Where it lands nobody knows
Choose a card when it says, “My Turn”
Answer the question and you will learn.

Preparation / Procedure:
Use Board Maker or write on separate index cards rain-related tasks/questions.  (See suggestions below).  Open the umbrella, turn it over, and tape or Velcro the cards face down around the inside of the umbrella.  Attach a card labeled “My Turn” to one of the spokes.  If possible, students should stand in a large circle around the umbrella. Invite a volunteer to spin the umbrella.  When the umbrella stops spinning, ask the student standing across from the “My Turn” card to choose any task card and complete the task. (Assist as necessary to read and/or comprehend/complete the task or answer the question.)  Ask the student who completed the task to be the new “spinner” and sit down as the next task begins.  Note: If space is an issue, students can stand or sit in a straight line and the therapist can manipulate the spins of the umbrella to give each student a turn. 

Suggestions for rain-related tasks/ questions:
Text Only Cards:
Count the colors in a rainbow: Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
Spell rain forward and backwards
Count the letters in RAIN
Name 2 words that rhyme with rain
Name 1 word with the word rain in it
Point to the word that has RAIN in it :  Train      Track
When the sun comes out after it rains, what can you sometimes see in the sky?
What do kids like to jump in when it rains?
Name a word that means the same as rain
What happens to your clothes when you go out in the rain?
How many letters are in the word PUDDLE?
How many letters are in the word UMBRELLA

Board Maker Text + Picture Cards:
Does it rain inside or outside?   ;   What are these called?  (Boots)
Count the raindrops   ;    What animal is swimming in the rain?  (Duck)
How many gray clouds do you see?  (Picture of 2 clouds covering the sun)
Count the puddles   ;   Name the colors in this umbrella  (Show the colors)
Count the colors in this umbrella (Show and number the colors)
Count the colors in the rainbow  (Show and number the colors)

Happy spinning and don’t get dizzy.  Leave that to the umbrella!

Liz and Sue


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